One day or day ONE?!Strong side of story!

One day you will decide, you will be inspired, totally convinced, and with unique enthusiasm you will make a step on the new way! “This is what I will do, this is who I want to become”! 

Then few days later your enthusiasm will calm down and the reality will come on surface. “Should I? Is it probably not my way?! May be all people around are right, this is not for me? Should I stop? Maybe they right path I’ve chosen is wrong?! “All these questions will pump up in your mind.

Take one minute to talk with yourself in peace and let your emotions to calm down -that’s all good!! First signs appear showing you that you are totally in right path 😉 

It is ok not to find a support, you have it inside of you already! You can do it by yourself – you need no one – just yourself!  

It is ok not to see visible result quickly. All your actions are precious seeds and on progress to be harvested. Each moment put the seed on the ground and care it without any expectation. Will you blame tomorrow the ground you’ve already planted if you didn’t see it flourish? It’s invisible, in progress, on the way to become real. If you don’t see it with your eye it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist – train your mind to see invisible.

It is totally OK to feel unconformable – you are doing something new, get out from your comfort zone – actually THIS zone is uncomfortable! Dare to be more! 

Because one day you will hear and feel appreciation, you will enjoy your result and remember your first steps. When people will ask you: “How you did it?”, you will simple reply: “I had a vision, I knew that I will succeed!”

To enjoy one day make today your day THE ONE!

GIve a wink to your week 😉 , 